As a homeowner, the thought of having to maintain your HVAC system can be worrisome. They have many different parts and functions to consider, and it can be downright frustrating. Luckily, our experts at Westerville Air Conditioning & Heating have provided us with the following list to help us with some of the most frequently asked questions.
1. What Do The Letters In HVAC Stand For?
The official definition of HVAC is Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. It refers to the process of passing the air between indoor and outdoor spaces. It also involves the heat you use in the winter and the air conditioning you use in the summer. Overall, your HVAC system manages all the air within your home. But today, we will be focusing on the A/C aspect of the system.
2. When/Why Should I Replace My Air Filter?
The average homeowner should replace their A/C filter at least once every few months. However, you do have to keep your lifestyle in mind. For example, if you have kids and pets, replacing your air filter once every 30 days is a safe bet. Remember, your air filter catches and holds the particles that would otherwise contaminate your clear air, so the filter cannot do its job effectively when it is full of dust and debris.
3. Why Is My AC Making an Odd Sound?
It is important to remember that sounds coming from your AC unit are normal. It is common for A/C units to make noise in order to do their job effectively. These sounds can range from squealing, buzzing, or hissing, and each sound can mean a different type of issue within your A/C unit. An important takeaway is to indicate what type of sound your AC is making so you can adequately explain the problem to your technician.
4. When is the Best Time to Replace my AC unit?
A great A/C system typically lasts between fifteen to twenty years, considering you keep up with your system’s required care. If you are thinking about updating your AC system, we suggest you turn to the internet and do your research. When starting to look into purchasing a new AC system, there are many factors that you should take into consideration like:
- How old is your system now?
- How frequently do I use my air conditioning?
- Have you kept up with routine maintenance on my system?
5. How Can I Save Energy and Money?
A majority of our home’s energy is used solely by our HVAC systems. However, there are ways you can save energy and money. Some of the most common include:
- Completing a home energy examination
- Schedule yearly maintenance on your system
- Buying a smart thermostat that will learn your temperature preferences
I hope this helped answer some of your HVAC questions. Remember, you can’t become a technician overnight, so trust the Westerville Air Conditioning & Heating experts with any of your AC questions and concerns.
Need more help?
Do you have a question that is not on this list? Call Westerville Air Conditioning & Heating today at (614) 810-0075, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!