If you’re feeling cool air instead of heat emanating from your furnace, don’t stress. The probable cause is that your pilot light is out. No need to panic just yet, though! Fortunately, relighting a pilot light is a quick fix. Using the simple steps below...
Watching tutorials on YouTube and watching HGTV does not qualify you to do repairs on your HVAC system independently. Just because something may seem easy doesn’t make it safe or wise. The risks are much greater than the rewards you believe will be gained. HVAC...
Are you unsure of the basics of your household’s heating and cooling system? Do you not even know where to begin? Do not let this intimidate you! Because before making any substantial purchases, Westerville Air Conditioning & Heating can you in the right...
As we prepare ourselves for the weather transitioning from winter to spring, the temperatures can feel very bipolar here in Ohio. At Westerville Air Conditioning & Heating, we are deliberate in our objective to provide you with grade A service that will assist you...
If you ask someone who lives in Ohio why they live here in this state, you will find that most of us stay for family/familiarity or to experience all of the seasons. But we also know that living through the four seasons includes a lot of back and forth weather as we...
Humans primarily depend on warmth to stay alive, especially in the coldest temperatures. This essential survival skill, of course, is not new knowledge. Our ancestors have several reports illustrating clever strategies to stay comfortable and warm. Additionally, they...
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