Let’s face it, Ohio’s summers can be scorching! Chances are your AC has been working overtime to beat the heat. Unfortunately, when your AC is in overdrive, it might start leaking water. We know this can be pretty alarming, but don’t worry—your Westerville Air Conditioning & Heating pros are here to help you figure out what’s going on. 

Here are Some Things to Check if You Think Your AC May Be Leaking:   

  • A Malfunctioning Thermostat   
  • A Frozen Evaporator Coil   
  • A Clogged Condensate Drain   
  • An Old or Damaged Condensate Drain Pan   
  • Low Refrigerant Levels   
  • A “Sweating” Condenser   

1. Try Checking the Thermostat   

Your thermostat decides how cold the evaporator coils need to get to hit your set home temperature. So, if your thermostat is on the fritz, your AC will be, too. Think of your thermostat as the “captain” of your HVAC system. If the captain goes down, the whole crew follows. When a thermostat malfunctions, it can’t properly communicate with your HVAC system; it tells your AC when to turn on and off, push out air, and so on. Many system issues come down to a faulty thermostat. The source of your air conditioner problems might just be a matter of checking the thermostat. 

Start troubleshooting by checking the thermostat first. If your AC is leaking water, make sure the thermostat settings are correct. See if the thermostat responds, and you can still adjust the settings. If not, it might need fresh batteries, or there could be a wiring issue. In that case, it’s best to call a licensed technician. 

2. Try Checking the Evaporator Coil   

One of the main reasons AC units leak water is because the evaporator coil freezes. This usually happens when the air filters are too clogged, preventing enough air from blowing over the coils. When the evaporator coils get too cold, they can freeze, causing water to drip off. 

You can fix this issue by:   

  • Checking the Air Filters: Take a moment to check your HVAC air filters. Even though they should be swapped out every 1 to 3 months, it’s always good to double-check. A clogged air filter might be the reason behind your leaky air conditioning, and a fresh one could solve the issue! 
  • Changing Your Thermostat Settings: First, you’ll need to thaw that frozen evaporator coil to stop the dripping or leaking. Try raising the thermostat temperature by a few degrees to help with the thawing. (If your entire unit is frozen, it’s best to turn off the cooling and switch on the fan instead so that it has sufficient time to thaw.) 

3. Try Checking the Condensate Drain   

Your condensate drain might be clogged. It’s the pipe that channels water from the drain pan to the outside. If it gets blocked, the water that’s meant to drain can back up and leak out of the drain pan. 

We don’t suggest trying to fix this issue on your own. There’s no sense in risking potential damage to your pipes. A clogged condensate drain can cause various AC problems, but it’s an easy fix for a qualified and licensed technician. 

4. Try Checking the Condensate Drain Pan   

Now, let’s talk about the condensate drain pan. This pan collects water run-off from the evaporator coil while it cools the air. If it’s worn out or damaged, you might see water leaking on the floor as it won’t be able to perform its job as intended. While you can troubleshoot and fix this issue by replacing the condensate drain pan yourself, if you don’t feel comfortable doing so, please give us a call. 

5. Try Checking the Condenser   

Did you know your air conditioner can “sweat?” Sounds weird, but that’s just condensation forming on the unit when warm or humid air hits its cool exterior. This extra moisture or water droplets can make it seem like the AC is leaking. 

While a bit of condensation isn’t a big deal (it happens), a really “sweating” unit should get checked out by a professional HVAC technician ASAP. The last thing you want is water damage or a busted AC from a problem that’s been brewing for a while. 

We care about your safety and comfort! If you’re still dealing with a leaky air conditioner and still can’t figure out why, give us a call. We’d be honored to help and provide you with our top-notch service. 

Beat the heat with a little help from your Westerville Air Conditioning & Heating family! Call us today at (614) 810-0075, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here